Foster City Little League is a youth sports organization with a mission to provide a fun experience playing baseball to 4-14 year olds living or going to school in Foster City (see eligibility map here). We have different divisions for each age and experience level. Our spring season runs from February to June, and fall season runs from August to November. Registration takes place in late Fall for the following Spring season, and summer for the Fall season.
FCLL is an all-volunteer organization that is a charter league of Little League International, Inc.--the largest youth sports organization in the world.
FCLL is open to all boys and girls in Foster City, ages 4 - 14, who want to play organized baseball. But please note that, while girls are welcome to play baseball with the boys in FCLL, most girls choose to play softball in the FC Youth Softball Association (FCYSA) with other girls.
FCLL is organized and run by a volunteer Board of Directors, with a constitution and by laws. Our coaches are parents who want to help provide a fun and positive experience to the kids of Foster City while playing the great game of America's Pastime--baseball.
Youth baseball has been played in Foster City since the 1960's, and FCLL has been a part of the community since its incorporation in 1966. It is the oldest sports organization in Foster City.
Games were originally played near the intersection of Hillsdale and Shell Boulevards, adjacent to the current Library complex. Activities moved to Sea Cloud Park upon its completion and build out in September 1985.
The fcll.org website went live on May 14, 1998, making Foster City one of the first Little Leagues in the nation to host a local site.